In this eBooklet you can find information about Atiyoga Dzogchen Master Namkhai Norbu, the Dzogchen Community, its various departments and their activities and an updated bibliography of the works written by Master Namkhai Norbu.
“It is really difficult to summarize Namkhai Norbu’s life and works in a few words. His more tangible legacy is made up of the many centers he contributed to setting up around the world in the course of his life, where his teachings are kept alive and applied by many students and interested people. The Dzogchen teaching lives in any individual interested to apply it, beyond any ideological, philosophical or even geographical limitations. In these centers many activities are being continuously organized, concerning meditation, yoga, sacred dance, medicine and arts. They are a veritable treasure for developing our wellbeing to which we warmly invite everyone to take part”
Monica Gentile from the foreword in Namkhai Norbu “Opening our minds” Atiyoga Public Talks Series