Namkhai Yeshi Retreat - Merigar (Italy) July 2 - 8, 2025


We are very happy to announce the next Namkhai Yeshi retreat at Merigar.

Namkhai Yeshi will give Dzogchen Teachings from July 2nd to 8th, 2025.

We will send more details about the program and how to register later.

Recommended Books

Vairochana, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente
[E-Book] Dorje Sempa Namkha Che - The Total Space of Vajrasattva 16,80 € each
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Mirror 17,00 € each
26 items in stock
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
[Video download] Grande Fortuna in Bhutan (MP4) 13,00 € each
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
[E-Book] The Light of the Sun (ePub) 14,40 € each

Dzogchen Teaching with Namkhai Yeshi in Paris from 9th to 11th May 2025.


We are delighted to announce that Namkhai Yeshi will give a profound Dzogchen teaching in Paris from 9th to 11th May 2025.

Details at a Glance
Teaching Language: English, with translation available in French, Russian, and other languages. (Chinese translation available on-site only.)

Venue: Salons de l’Aveyron, 17 Rue de l’Aubrac, 75012 Paris.

May is one of the most enchanting and beautiful seasons in Paris, but also a peak time for visitors. We highly encourage you to book your place early to secure your participation and plan your stay in advance. More details regarding registration and the full schedule will be announced very soon.

Save the Date: 9–11 May 2025

We warmly invite you to join us for this unique teaching and look forward to welcoming you to Paris for an inspiring and unforgettable experience.

Stay tuned for updates!

Recommended Books

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Elio Guarisco, Adriano Clemente, Jim Valby
[E-Book] The Marvelous Primordial State (ePub) 24,00 € each
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team,
[E-Book]The 40th Anniversary of Shang Shung Publications (epub) Free
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen Our Real Condition 14,00 € each
14 items in stock
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
[E-Book] The Temple of the Great Contemplation (pdf) 29,00 € each

Namkhai Yeshi Dzogchen Teachings - February 13, 2025 to February 14, 2025
At Dzamling Gar and ONLINE


February 13–14, 2025 | 10:00 AM (GMT +00:00 Tenerife Time)

Namkhai Yeshi is the son of the great Dzogchen Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and a devoted desciple.

This time, Namkhai Yeshi will give an essential and complete teaching, dedicated to the Dzogchen Community. Essential because it is indispensable for the life of the Dzogchen practitioner, complete because it concerns both the individual and others. Essential often translates into a simple and accessible form, but this can deceive the practitioner into believing that it is easy to apply; on the contrary, it requires a special commitment.

The event is open to everyone and can be attended in person or online.

Key Information:
Streaming: Join us live on Zoom or via Webcast.
Recordings will be available for 7 days on the Replay Webcast page.
Translation: Teachings will be in English, with translation available onsite and online in multiple languages.
Registration: Please register by February 12th, 12:00 PM to ensure access.

Suggested Books

Vairochana, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente
Dorje Sempa Namkha Che: The Total Space of Vajrasattva 22,50 € each
12 items in stock
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team,
[E-Book]The 40th Anniversary of Shang Shung Publications (epub) Free
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
[Video download] General Introduction to Dzogchen (MP4) 12,00 € each

To commemorate the birth of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Namkhai Yeshi will give a Teaching on 'The Mirror'


We are glad to comunicate the ONLINE EVENT organized in Merigar West on the 8th of December at 10,00 ( GMT +1). To commemorate the birth of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Namkhai Yeshi will give an Online Teaching on 'The Mirror' .

On Sunday afternoon, at 18:00, Yeshi Namkhai will perform a concert featuring his own musical compositions. We kindly ask you to register using the link below to record your in-person participation at Merigar. Please note that available seats are limited.

The Online Teaching will take place on Sunday the 8th of December at 10:00 AM ( GMT+1).


The cuckoo of Rigpa - an ancient Dunhuang Manuscript - Book presentation
28 September 2024

In collaboration with Shang Shung Publication

Online and in-person presentation of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's new book 'The cuckoo of Rigpa - an ancient Dunhuang Manuscript' with Adriano Clemente.

The Cuckoo of Rigpa (Rig pa’i khu byug), or Six Vajra Verses, is known to be one of the first five translations through which the great Tibetan translator Vairocana (eighth century) introduced the Dzogchen scriptures from Oḍḍiyāna. Although its essence is contained in only six lines, it unmistakably expresses the principles of the base, path, and fruit of Dzogchen in their entirety. In the Dunhuang manuscript the six verses are followed by a commentary, possibly the work of Vairocana himself, that explains the meaning of each verse with utmost clarity, including in relation to specific points of the view and practice of the Vajrayāna path of transformation. In this book, the Dunhuang commentary is followed by the Author’s annotational commentary elucidating the most important points. Adriano will also present the text The Preliminaries of the Path of Ati (A ti lam gyi sngon 'gro).

Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai -In presence and online

It is with great joy that we inform you that Yeshi Namkhai will hold a retreat of Dzogchen Teachings in Merigar from the afternoon of June 20th to the morning of June 27th. On behalf of everyone, we thank Yeshi Namkhai for his generosity and compassion.



YANTRA YOGA FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN presentation and workshop APRIL 14-15, 2023

Presentation and workshop CURING WITH YANTRA YOGA- DECEMBER 9-10, 2022

OPENING THE MIND book and video
SEPTEMBER 16-17, 2022

Evolve - An introduction to the ancient Atiyoga Dzogchen teaching
May 6, 2022

The Mirror - February 18, 2022


Impresa Sociale
Località Merigar, 1
58031 Arcidosso (GR) - Italy
CF e P.IVA 01682320534
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