since 1983

Who we are

The Shang Shung publishing house was founded as a Cooperative in 1983 at the request and directions of Prof. Namkhai Norbu ( 1938-2018). Today it is a non-profit organization, belonging to the third sector, established in the form of a Social Enterprise Ltd. The headquarters and offices are in Arcidosso, Tuscany, Italy.
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The Shang Shung Editions logo was created by
Master Namkhai Norbu

The logo consists of a central rotating gakyil surrounded by the three colors: the blue circle (mind) on the inside, the red circle (voice) in the middle and the yellow circle (body) on the outside in the octagonal figure. Below the gakil the inscription "ye shes mig gcig dri ma med " translated to the one eye of wisdom free of impurities (also rendered as "the one eye of wisdom is pure")


This short text is a nyengyud (snyan rgyud), a very short teaching transmitted from mouth to ear, through a few words that easily remain in the memory and act as a key that can instantly recall, in the mind of the hearer, a crucial point of the teaching, giving direct access to knowledge, even when all the texts that composed it have been dispersed or are hidden


Preserving and maintaining
the spiritual legacy of
Prof. Namkhai Norbu

Shang Shung Publications is part of the Dzogchen Community created by Namkhai Norbu to support the evolution of the individual through different cultural and spiritual initiatives and to make available "favorable conditions to bring out the potentiality of human beings". Shang Shung Publications founders are: International Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF), International Dzogchen Community ( IDC) and Merigar West Dzogchen Community.

The Ka-Ter Translation Project of the Shang Shung Institute Austria, is a project dedicated to the funding of translations into Western languages of key Dzogchen texts as well as the translation of the complete works of Namkhai Norbu, and supporting Shang Shung Publications

- International Atiyoga Foundation: is a foundation that works not only with cultures and traditions - such as the Tibetan one, which contains the most ancient human knowledge - but also with the new frontiers of culture and science of the contemporary world, intending to build relationships and synergies with institutions such as universities, museums, schools and academies for the creation of courses, seminars, and cultural events. For this purpose, ATIF includes various departments operating under the umbrella of the foundation

- International Dzogchen Community: a non- bureaucratic organization with members and centers ( Gar) all over the world. For Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, the various Gars (places where students gather to receive teachings and practice together) make up one great mandala, a network that covers the various geographical areas of the world and to which practitioners can refer as places of study or practice and meditation.There are ten Gars in various places around the world.

- Merigar West Dzogchen Community: Merigar is a place immersed in nature, located in the municipality of Arcidosso, in the province of Grosseto. It is situated where the slopes of Mount Amiata meet those of Mount Labbro and its nature reserve. Here, since 1981, people interested in the study and practice of Dzogchen, one of the oldest teachings of the Tibetan spiritual tradition, gathered around Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

How to support Shang Shung Publications nonprofit organization

The social enterprise publishing house is mainly supported through two forms of financing:

  • Revenue deriving from institutional and commercial activities intended to pursue statutory purposes (mainly publishing activities).
  • Donations and contributions offered by individuals or public and private bodies to encourage the development of activities that comply with institutional objectives.

Whenever you purchase a book published by Shang Shung Publications or make a donation, you support the programs and activities, as required by the institutional purposes

Impresa Sociale
Località Merigar, 1
58031 Arcidosso (GR) - Italy
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