
[E-Book] The Cuckoo of Instant Presence (epub)

Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
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“The Dzogchen teaching is a living knowledge that is transmitted and applied. It is not reserved for spiritual adepts. The teaching is useful for those who want to live agreeably. For someone with strong faith, it is extremely useful. Even those who do not believe in anything and think that nothing exists after death could find a more peaceful life through it. To enjoy tranquility, you must have experience of the state of knowledge and know how to relax. When you discover your true condition and actually find yourself in it, you finally understand the real meaning of relaxation. The Dzogchen teaching is a way of relaxing totally, so you can understand why the learning, application, and practice of Dzogchen is indispensable for every individual.”
– Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

This book is based on a teaching retreat on The Six Vajra Verses, an original Dzogchen text also known as Rigpai Khujug: The Cuckoo of Instant Presence, held at Merigar in Arcidosso, Italy, from December 23, 1985, to January 5, 1986, the first complete oral commentary he gave on this important text in the West. 
The  Six Vajra Verses is divided into three equal parts of two verses each, each explaining the base, the path, and the fruit of the Dzogchen teaching. Ultimately it becomes clear that all three are facets of the primordial state, our real condition as it is and always has been. The  Rigpai Khujug teaching is presented here first in a concise explanation followed by a detailed one. An appendix titled A Brief Guide to the Methods and Traditions of Tibetan Buddhism follows, a teaching given by Rinpoche during a weekend retreat in London in the late 1980s. Our hope is that the Dzogchen teaching can thus be more clearly understood in the context of other Buddhist traditions.


  • Editor’s Foreword to the First Edition 7 The Six Vajra Verses 9
  • General Introduction 11
  • The Importance of the Text 11
  • History of the Six Vajra Verses 13
  • The Significance of the Title 14
  • Introduction to Dzogchen 17 Short Commentary on the Rigpai Khujug 27
  • First and Second Verses 29
  • Third and Fourth Verses 34
  • Fifth and Sixth Verses 36
  • Long Commentary on the Rigpai Khujug 39
  • First and Second Verses 39
  • Third and Fourth Verses 53
  • What does “as it is” mean? 57
  • Refuge, Guru Yoga, Samaya 64
  • The Practice 75 Yowai Nyam 76
  • The Two Defects of Practice 78
  • Thobpai Nyam 79
  • An Account of Five Experiences cited in Dzogchen Semde 80
  • The First Nyam 80
  • The Second Nyam 81
  • The Third Nyam 81
  • The Fourth Nyam 82
  • The Fifth Nyam 84
  • The Summary of the Practice 85
  • The Fifth and Sixth Verses 87
  • APPENDIX A Brief Guide to the Methods and Traditions of Tibetan Buddhism 99 1 Hinayana and Mahayana: the Path of Renunciation 100
  • 2 Tantra: the Path of Transformation 106
  • 3 Dzogchen, the Path of Self-Liberation 119
  • GLOSSARY of Tibetan terms 127
  • GLOSSARY of Sanskrit and Oddiyana Language terms 135




Shang Shung Publications

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Località Merigar, 1
58031 Arcidosso (GR) - Italy
CF e P.IVA 01682320534
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