Translated from Tibetan by Cristiana De Falco
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu developed Kumar Kumari Yantra in the 1990s on the basis of the profound instructions of the ancient Tibetan practice of Yantra Yoga, giving specific consideration to children’s physical dimension, energy, and breathing. Kumar Kumari is unique in that it combines breathing and movement with sounds that have a powerful effect. It promotes healthy development in the children who practice it, and it is both challenging and fun for them to do.
Kumar Kumari Yantra: The Garland of Lotus Flowers (Ku mar ku ma ri yantra padma mala) is a translation of the original Tibetan text composed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and contains instructions on the complete practice, consisting of sixteen exercises. It is intended primarily as a manual for adults who teach or wish to teach Kumar Kumari.