
[E-Book] Dzogchen Our Real Condition (ePub)

An Introduction in Questions and Answers

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
11,20 € each
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Also available in Book version

Dzogchen Our Real Condition 14,00 € each
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
14 items in stock

Dzogchen, or “Total Perfection,” a teaching encapsulating the essence of all Tibetan spiritual traditions, is a knowledge that enables the evolution of our consciousness, unfettered by the limitations of an external mode of conduct.
Practicing Dzogchen simply means maintaining presence of our real condition as it is, fostering the realization of an authentic freedom that can bring about a new era of well-being and happiness for all of us.
What is Dzogchen? How is it relevant in society? In the writings gathered here, Dzogchen master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu replies with great clarity and thoroughness to these and other questions asked in the mid-1970s by his first
Western students. Informed by a wealth of sources, citations, clarifications, and advice on various aspects of the practice, this book constitutes a valuable introduction to Dzogchen.
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu was one of the foremost Tibetan masters of Dzogchen and the first to transmit it in its entirety in the West. The core message of his teachings is to discover our limitations and overcome them by relaxing in our real condition.



Shang Shung Publications

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